Aplly for your FCJ Press Card today!

The Forum of Community Journalists (FCJ) now offers press cards to eligible journalists, photographers, editors and freelancers working for South African magazines and newspapers (both print and online publications).

What sets the FCJ Press Cards apart from the rest is the unique message printed on the back of the card for the South African Police Service. A quote from the SAPS’s Standing Order 156 will now always be at hand, and come in handy when journalists have to deal with stubborn or newbie police officials.

These cards are issued in English on the following conditions: 

New Application: FCJ Members 

When applying for your first press card, you will have to obtain an original application form from your region’s FCJ representative, which must be completed in full and signed by the editor of the publication you represent. Once your application has been signed off where applicable, you need to forward the original with your photograph. Your first press card will be issued to you free of charge thanks to our generous sponsors in Cape Town.


Application Form